Here I try to share some of my thoughts and experiences through writing. You'll find articles on a wide range of topics, both short and long. Not really a steady flow here, but I try...
Generative art is exploration
2 minute read
I heard somebody say that generative art is exploration. I kind of agreed. Next thing I knew, I was knee-deep in a soup of pixels I'd never intended to see. Now I deeply understood and agreed.
5 things I learned doing Genuary 2024
7 minute read
Since 2021, the month of January is transformed into Genuary, an artificially generated month of time where generative art community builds code that makes beautiful things. And this year I decided to join in. Here's a couple of things I learned...
A playful answer to Vera Molnar.
3 minute read
Re-coding Vera Molnar's work, together with the title of the exhibition where it was featured inspired me to re-think the work. This is the story of where that led me thus far.
What generative art means to me.
What is this generative art thing I'm talking about? In this article I try to describe what the term means to me and bring you along on how I re-coded a work from Vera Molnar's exhibition "Comprendre, c’est transformer".
What is this place?
6 minute read
Find out why I decided to build this little corner on the internet and what you can expect to find here in the future.
d17e. What's in a name?
If you're wondering where 'd17e' comes from, you might want to read this. You will also find out what this has in common with internationalization, accessibility and kubernetes,
by David
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made with by David Vandenbogaerde
| 2022 - 2025