
A few weeks ago I had the pleasure to attend the live coding workshop at @c3devfest, where @tmhglnd introduced us to live coding audio with Mercury (mercury.timohoogland.com) while @sasj_nl took care of the visual part and got us going with the live coding video synth Hydra (hydra.ojack.xyz) by @o_jack

I had a blast and got really inspired, especially playing around with Hydra. I'm absolutely fascinated with what you can get out of it with just a few little bits of 'code'. Thank you @sasj_nl for the introduction and to @o_jack for bringing hydra into the world.

And to anybody else reading this, I recommend trying out both of these tools... I bet you'll have some fun, even if you don't know how to code.

Now as for the video, below is the hydra code that generates it:

osc(10, [.2,-.4,.04].smooth(0.05),[0,Math.PI/2].smooth(.1))

One of the nifty things that hydra offers is the .smooth() method on arrays like in [.2,-.4,.04].smooth(0.05). This smoothens out transitions between these values over time. And that's just one of the nifty things...

Stay tuned for more nifty hydra notes :)

#creativecoding #videosynth #vsynth #hydra #livecoding #js #Math.PI

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