metro.gif: single frame trial

After the last fiasco, I realised I should probably plot just 1 frame first to see if I actually like how it looks like. Something about seeing all that blue on the failed plot made me realise that it was... well, very blue.

Let's try how just one frame looks like I tought.

Well, the axidraw decided that it was just going to stop actually putting the pen down on the paper. It was still doing all the movements. Just none of the drawing.

I figure the axidraw knew I had a brandnew brushless servo sitting just a few feet away from where it was doing its thing. As changing to the new servo had been one of those items that hang forever in the middle of a todo-list, I happily complied.

Another plot half-done. But the axidraw was now more than ready to give it another go...

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made with by David Vandenbogaerde

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