QR Frame Extraction

The first thing I had to do was turn the gif into separate frames. For this is screen recorded the gif, turning it into an mp4. Then edited that into a square mp4 that was doing exactly 1 animation loop.

Then to turn the video into frames, I used a command line tool named 'ffmpeg'. More precisely I ran:

ffmpeg -i .\qr-astley-crop-square.mp4 -vf fps=30 qr_astley_frame_%06d.png

And tadaa. The result of that command you see above. I haven't know about ffmpeg all that long, but it's a real powerhouse when it comes to turning images into videos or vice versa. or changing the format of a video, like making sure it passes meta's whimsical upload requirements.

#qr #svg #qrcodegenerator #penplotter #creativecoding #axidraw #svelte #ffmpeg

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