For the last couple of weeks, I have been revisiting the algorithm I wrote for the Genuary 2024 Vera Molnar prompt. The idea behind it was to transform an image into a series of simple straight lines inspired by Molnar's work titled "A la recherche de Paul Klee".

This has been an algorithm I've had quite some of fun with myself by turning images of friends, family and myself into plottable messes (including my avatar image). So I thought it would be great to share that with the world.

So now, you can head over to, upload your own images and play around with it.

As it stands now, it is a re-implementation of the original one I did back in january but with one key difference that it is now 'interactive'. Which means that you can fiddle around with the parameters that drive the process under the hood and you can actually see the algorithm at work. Which can be pretty mesmerizing to look at.

I have a whole bunch of ideas on how to expand on this algorithm, so expect more features and whatnot in the future. But before I do any of that, I'll make sure to optimize the SVG export. Let me know if there's something you'd like to see this do in the future.

In the mean time, take care and have fun!

#creativecoding #generativeart #codeart #computerart #algorithmicart #digitalart #paperjs #javascriptart #vectorart #svgart #webgraphics #canvasart #wip #workinprogress #creativeprocess #creativeprogramming #interactiveart #minimalistart #chaoticart #patternart #parametricart
